11-е Декабря, №2 |
Graphs table.
Certainly, it seems impossible describe all myriads of Chinese characters by using two hundreds of graphs. But I'll tryto do it. Note, it's not a traditional "radicals" in strict sense, it's set of "graphic image" only, set of graphs with his variants, which combines to Chinese characters by one way or another. You should be able see it in real corpus of Chinese characters (and happiness will come :).
No |
picture |
name |
description |
variants |
one |
may be slightly sloping and moderately sloping, and in general the curve, as in the last example |
mouth |
be careful, not to confuse "mouth" with the "surround" (№ 50). They differ only in size (the only case in hieroglyphics), but in the "mouth" nothing happens, and in the "surround" you can find a lot of things... |
3. |
second (cyclical sign of ten) |
we will adopt following the tradition that as his variants should be considered: 乛, ㇆, 乚, ⺄ etc.. A few variants, be careful. From simple to sophisticated, as in the last three examples. In the second example there are 2 variants of "second" together . |
4. |
man (on the left) |
man |
The diversity (three variants) of "men" is collected into the "crowd". Note that the standard "falling rightwards" turn effortlessly to the "dot", when necessary, that actually allows us to incorporate them in the graph № 10 (this "calligraphic trick" we will meet again and again). |
6. |
sun |
in the examples, two variants of the sun, just to eyes accustomed: one very "stretched", another extremely "elongated" |
7. |
wrap |
8. |
white |
9. |
hand |
covers all conceivable variants of "classic" hands except "扌" (№ 20). In combination with the "spear" (№ 27) it is not clear who owns the horizontal line. In the second example, meets his variant, in the third pulls up "the finger". Well, in the last example is extremely simplified "hand", which you will always be confused with the combination of "falling leftwards - one" (№ 12 - № 1). Be careful. |
dot |
same as "falling rightwards", i.e. the line going from left to right, top to bottom, regardless of its length. Three variants of "dots" on the example of two characters in the next column. |
earth |
differs from similar "scholar" (№ 102) ratio horizontal lines ("earth" has shorter upper stroke then lower). In straitened circumstances slightly "tilts" the bottom line, as, for example, before "dragon" (a very common calligraphic trick). |
falling leftwards |
can "lean" a little bit, being almost vertical, can recline thoroughly as in the first example, and can almost lie down supine, as in the second example. In the third variant is reduced almost to a point, but always retains its direction from top-right to left-down. |
knife |
In the first example, the two "knives": almost classic, only slightly compressed by the weight from above, and above it "knife on the side". The second character is really "knife on top". Next two variants of "knife on the side", but they are all "knives" for us. |
tree |
"tapering" of the "tree" by type "man" (№ 5), reducing "falling rightwards" to "dot" (№ 10). |
15. |
walk |
It's almost always located on the left side of the character and underlines it from the bottom, but sometimes "hiding" inside. |
vertical stroke |
vary only in length (sorry, height :). |
moon |
in addition to the "standard" types there are 2 variants, but always recognizable. |
water |
in version of the classic "water" is slightly changed middle hook. In the following example 2 "water": "water on the left and frequent variant "water" when it is "closely". And a unique case, when the water is "covering" sign and incorporates 3 horizontal line (an example of "neglect" tradition, which believes that the radical is "hand" here). |
19. |
say (abbr.) |
"full version " of radical (occurs much less frequently). |
hand (var.) |
easily recognizable sign, variations only in height. |
21. |
two |
encodes all the paired horizontal lines. |
22. |
heart |
slightly flattened when it's located at the bottom. Habitual and frequent version of "heart on the left" (example 3) and quite rare in the last example. |
23. |
antennae |
is not necessarily at the top, may be lower, but then he "covers" some graph. Never found at the very bottom. |
24. |
private |
25. |
woman |
26. |
top |
spear |
"reduced" version of the spear, in the tradition known as the radical "to hunt". |
28. |
big |
several variants of the "big" quite recognizable and caused only by changes in the height or width of the sign. |
roof |
30. |
foretell |
two variants of "foretell" in one character. |
31. |
ten |
32. |
strength |
hook |
34. |
inch |
35. |
thread (abbr.) |
sometimes you can meet variant which probably has slipped through "reform of simplify". |
36. |
leg |
in some cases there is no hook on its upper horizontal |
37. |
eight |
sometimes skips inside itself another "objects" or able to "cover" the other graphs as in the last two examples. |
38. |
again |
two variants, the second is found only in derived from the given character. |
39. |
beta |
combines traditional "town-mound", because the style they are not distinguishable, and he is located on the left or on the right, is determined by the sequence of graphs in the description of the character, therefore, the separation between "town" and "mound" seems redundant. No variants. |
40. |
eye |
common variant "eyes" with elongated lower horizontal. |
41. |
king |
predictable variant - it's the expected change of the lower horizontal ("two-in-one" in the example) |
42. |
grain |
variant formed by the same type as that of the "tree" (№ 14) and of the "man" (№ 5) - reduction of falling rightwards stroke. |
43. |
down box |
one of the "covering" graphs, inside of which is never empty, except for one character in combination with the "surround" (№ 50). Four variants are shown. |
44. |
topknot |
tradition regards it as a variant of "small" (№ 61), but it seems easier to consider it as a separate graph with two variants. |
self |
of the three variants, the second one is "dangerous" because of its resemblance to the variant "seal" (№ 88). |
46. |
visor |
in the traditional set there is no such thing, but sometimes it greatly simplifies the description. |
47. |
son |
a slightly modified horizontal alternate forms of this graph |
48. |
stand |
when it located on the "side" (№ 73) and on the "turban" (№ 84), apparently, for more stability, based not on the "one" (№ 1), but on the "cover" (№ 94) |
49. |
mount- ain |
surround |
compare with "mouth" (№ 2). If the inside of the object there is something, so it's not "mouth", but "surround" (funny first example is the "mouth" in the "surround") Covering graph. It can be empty inside, but rarely (example 2 is interesting combination of two covering graphs "down box" and "surround"). |
51. |
child |
pay attention to the third example, in which this graph passes the other graphs inside itself. |
52. |
evening |
sometimes confused with the "moon" (№ 17) but more like a "meat on left" (№ 128) |
53. |
gate |
54. |
rice |
a variant of rice that you will recognize without my prompt. |
55. |
hook-to right |
in the traditional set of radicals is missing. In addition to direct correspondence to the image, it encodes also "a lower left corner" right up to right angle . |
56. |
steep |
sometimes with a sloped top. |
57. |
strike (on right side) |
be careful, it tends to be confused with "walk slowly" (№ 63). |
58. |
language |
59. |
tau |
changes only the length of the top horizontal. |
60. |
grass (on top) |
small |
occurs only slightly shortened version. |
62. |
old (abbr.) |
tradition views it as variant of "old" (see example). But we will do the opposite, since this variant is encountered incomparably more often than traditional. |
walk slowly |
variants are very similar and recognizable. One of them even allows to put a "dot" inside of it. |
64. |
two vertical |
in tradition it absent, but very useful because it make our life easier :). |
65. |
dagger |
66. |
sheep |
shortened from the bottom, variant "sheep" loses "leg" (or "tail"?) and sometimes just slightly bent. |
67. |
village |
68. |
corpse |
not to be confused with "door" (№ 110) |
69. |
stop |
also quite predictable variant. |
field |
71. |
two hands |
72. |
shell |
side |
located separately (example 1) or merging with other graphs (example 2) sometimes loses the top "dot". |
74. |
step |
75. |
work |
predictable variant. |
76. |
cow |
two variants: a "shortened" and "compressed" |
77. |
bamboo (on top) |
traditional "full" bamboo, it seems, does not occur at all... |
78. |
fire |
two variants of the same character: the first one is simply compressed laterally and easily recognizable, and the second... well, let us get used to that "the fire from below" also is "the fire" |
79. |
to |
80. |
exten- sive |
81. |
see |
82. |
ax |
based on "one", change its falling leftwards stroke to vertical stroke |
spirit |
"spirit on the left" is less similar to its prototype than to variant of clothes (№ 117, clothes on left). Be careful. |
turban |
85. |
ice |
be careful, it's very similar to variant of "water" (№ 18, water on the left). |
86. |
west (on top) |
the full (traditional) variant of the "west", as in the example, is less common than abbreviated variant, and it is very similar to "wine" (№ 159). To avoid confusion in matrix an abbreviated variant of this graph is included to it. |
87. |
car |
seal |
of the three variants of this graphs, the second is "dangerous" because of its similarity with the variant of graph "self" (№ 45). |
though |
two compacted variants. |
90. |
dog |
"dog on the left" occurs much more often then its traditional variant. |
91. |
give birth |
92. |
pig |
in combination with "knife on top" (№ 13) - "mouth" (№ 2) or after the "pig's nose" (№ 103) loses its top horizontal. |
93. |
weapon |
cover |
"roof" (№ 29) without "dot" and without variants. |
95. |
asterisk - blank graph |
the graph modifier, the blank graph, the asterisk ("*" as it appears in the description of the graphs sequence of some characters and in the graph matrix) is a graph which does not have its own "image" but demonstrates the some modification of the graphs sequence. |
96. |
page |
97. |
jade |
98. |
leave |
99. |
ear |
100. |
sweet |
101. |
cross |
scholar |
Chinese "scholar" is different from "earth" (№ 11), except the first elongated horizontal, so that is always right, regardless of the size or tightness. No variants. |
pig's nose (abbr.) |
sometimes stretches out the "nose" trying to look like "brush" (№ 141), but never linked with the "vertical stroke" (№ 16) , "hook" (№ 33) and "falling leftwards" (№ 12). Sometimes, as in the second example, pulls the lower horizontal. Full version meets today rarely (example 3). |
104. |
gold |
most often used in the abbreviated form "gold on the left" (example 1). In the second example, the curious case of merger "father" (№ 131) and "gold" |
105. |
bow |
106. |
bird without tail |
107. |
chip |
a simplified version of "chips". Sometimes it may be situated on the right and then it looks differently (example 1). Full traditional variant is very rare, with slightly varies (examples 2, 3 and 4). |
108. |
small table |
reduced small table "flexes" one its leg |
109. |
blue |
door |
the variant is old "door" (the rest of traditional style). |
111. |
use |
sometimes "straightens" the falling leftwards stroke. |
112. |
clan |
the top falling leftwards can be "masked" by another graph, and the horizontals turn into falling leftwards |
113. |
tongue |
114. |
oneself |
115. |
recep- tacle |
usually covering graph himself comes inside "surround" (№ 50). |
116. |
arrow |
clothes |
unexpectedly turned out to be covering graph. Lets place the other graphs under the "hat", and sometimes just loses it as in second example. But more often you may meet the "shortened" version of the "clothes" – the so-called "clothes on the left". Beware, this variant is very similar to the "spirit on the left" (№ 83), added only a small falling leftwards on the right. |
118. |
foot (on the left) |
the full version of "foot" is quite rare. |
119. |
sound |
120. |
go |
covering graph. It may have a lot of things inside it. Be careful when decomposition. |
121. |
cave |
expected modification of the "cave" in the first example and the unexpected loss of the top dot in the second... |
122. |
stem |
123. |
rock |
124. |
and |
long |
126. |
owe |
127. |
horse |
meat (on the left) |
very similar to the "moon" (№ 17) and they are often confused, but it is a separate thing, please pay attention to it, I specifically chose a font that draws "meat on the left" by other way than the "moon". The full version of "meat" (see example) occurs much less frequently. |
129. |
claw (on top) |
130. |
chief |
father |
132. |
face |
133. |
jorney |
134. |
hair |
135. |
horn |
136. |
stream |
in the first example "stream" flexes his last vertical line. There are another version of "stream" (example 2) and a shortened "version of version" (example 3). And the last reduction to the state of the three verticals. |
137. |
skin |
138. |
high |
139. |
compare |
140. |
enclose |
brush |
compare with "pig's nose" (№ 103) |
142. |
reptile |
143. |
utensil |
144. |
without |
the second horizontal line takes a hook on the left when the graph is repeated (compressing the right leg) or is located after the "though" (№ 89) |
145. |
evil |
146. |
non- |
147. |
body |
148. |
worm |
located on the "shell" it loses the right "dot". |
149. |
branch |
150. |
rain |
the "flat" version of "rain" is more often than traditional (51:2) |
151. |
dipper |
152. |
net (abbr.) |
rare "full" version of the "net". In combination with other graphs are not noticed. |
153. |
sick |
154. |
air |
155. |
food (on the left) |
in seclusion acquires a traditional "classic" look. |
156. |
neat |
157. |
enter |
158. |
fourth (cyclical sign of 12) |
lying on top is compressed, as in the first example. In one case acts as a covering graph, passing inward "though" (№ 89). |
wine |
160. |
boat |
it was discovered only one variant when the "boat" lost the bottom "dot" |
161. |
slice |
162. |
tooth |
163. |
valley |
164. |
pick |
165. |
leather |
166. |
wind |
167. |
bean |
168. |
box |
169. |
lame |
in this embodiment the "lame" has feet clearly different length. Of the 18 characters with graph the lame this variant, when it underlines the next graph, is found three times. |
170. |
servant |
in some cases, loses internal vertical lines. |
171. |
insignificant |
in a variant "dot" changes to falling leftwards. This variant, by the way, occurs in texts much more then standard |
172. |
soft leather |
173. |
bird |
variant without an internal "dot". In graphs sequences referred to as 鸟*. |
174. |
wool |
175. |
black |
176. |
pungent |
177. |
hemp |
178. |
abstruse |
179. |
amphora |
180. |
fish |
181. |
feather |
182. |
tiger |
183. |
mortar |
it often acts as a covering graph, significantly changing in only one variant. |
184. |
dragon |
185. |
fly |
186. |
ghost |
187. |
yellow |
188. |
jug |
189. |
morning |
190. |
bone |
191. |
footsteps |
192. |
long hair |
tradition claims it's "long hair on the head" but in the example it lost "hair". |
193. |
perfume |
194. |
lance |
195. |
melon |
196. |
plow |
197. |
tile |
198. |
teeth |
199. |
track |
changes only in combination with the "field" (№ 70) |
200. |
error |
11-е Декабря, №2 |